Maboloka Haven 2019

Located in Maboloka near Brits in the Bojanala District Municipality (North West), this ECD centre enrolled a total of 69 children in 2019 – an increase of 23% from the number of children who were enrolled the previous year.

This increase enabled us to add a third class, something that was made possible by the expanded building project that was completed the previous year.

The table below indicates the general learner profile at the facility.

 Table 5: Learner Profile of Maboloka Haven

6 mo – 3 years15924
4-5-year-olds (a)91322
4-5 year-olds (b)101323

Thirty-eight of these learners graduated.

Learners during a graduation at Maboloka Haven

  1. Food Garden

The food garden established at the centre continued to provide vegetables and healthy meals for learners at the centre.

This is a successful project of the Archdeaconry of Madibeng, which continued to support it with tools and other essentials.

Other activities

In the course of the year, signage at the centre was completed and fire extinguishers installed, making the centre fully compliant with the applicable health and safety requirements.

The statutory registration of the centre coordinator with the South African Council of Educators (SACE) as an ECD practitioner was extended for another three-year period.

Our relationship with the Department of Health is not limited to HIV-AIDS support but extends to childcare and the provision of health services.

In July Maboloka Clinic administered immunisation catch up and nutritional screening, Mabendazole deworming tablets, and Vitamin A drops.  This is always done with parental consent.

An educational trip to Pretoria Zoological Gardens was undertaken on 13 September 2019.

In February 2019, we were privileged to be able to host a first year UNISA teaching student, Ms Alleta Mohlakoane, who is doing practicals with us to fulfil the requirements of her ECD qualification.

The Corpus Christi Anglican Church in Garsfontein sponsored the centre’s year-end party which was held on 28 November 2019.

We are left in limbo with our class of 2020 as Covid-19 is creating havoc, our children are miserable and faced with uncertainty of whether they will come back to the centre due to financial challenges.

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